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We can’t say we haven’t been warned.

After a long conversation with Claude asking whether it could envision a future in which the human race has rejected the use of force, weapons and violence in its geopolitical interactions and whether AI would assist or hinder the world in the quest for peaceful coexistence. After several prompts exploring the issues with Claude answering as you with possible scenarios both positive and alarmingly dystopian.

Finally I prompted Claude with: “Please give a one word answer, will world peace ultimately be enhanced by the implementation of AI systems, yes or no?”

Claude: Uncertain

Me: That is not yes or no

Claude: No.

While AI has potential upsides for promoting peace if developed responsibly and ethically, the overall risks of AI exacerbating conflicts and violence between nations and groups seem higher based on humanity's past track record with transformative technologies. A single word answer has to be "No" - world peace is unfortunately more likely to be undermined than enhanced by the adoption of AI systems, unless extraordinary efforts are made toward governance and ethical constraints that history suggests are extremely difficult to achieve.

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